
New translations page

Returnista has significantly enhanced its translation capabilities, making it easier than ever to manage multiple languages in your returns portal.

Here’s a summary of the new features on the translations page:

Default and custom translations

  • Create custom translations that override default text
  • Edit translations for enabled languages only

Search capabilities

  • Search by default translation text
  • Search by custom translation text
  • Search using specific term keys

Organization and structure

  • Translations are grouped by pages (e.g., login, select items, confirmation)
  • Edit return reasons on the translations page or the return reasons page

Testing and verification

  • Verify updates quickly via the Returns Portal link
  • Test translations using demo or test orders

Term management

  • Unique term keys for each text element (e.g., button_submit_return)
  • Limited term selection ensures consistency across merchant portals

These updates provide greater flexibility, accuracy, and ease of use in managing translations for your returns portal.

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